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Abstract Factory Design Pattern

Abstract factory design pattern example in Java.
-- By Jan
March 10, 2022
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UML diagram.

Abstract factory design pattern, like a simpler factory design pattern, belongs to creational design patterns. This pattern is similar to factory design pattern with a one core difference. It adds another layer of abstraction, but for factories. So this pattern not only provides an abstraction for creating objects of a concrete type, but also an abstraction to retrieve a factory of a concrete type that can create our desired object. To retrieve a factory we use a factory provider.

First of all, we need an interface that specifies some basic logic our classes must implement and also an interface that describes logic for a factory. Our factory will produce objects of two types: a Vehicle and a Paint for that vehicle. Two concrete factories will be created with one producing a Car and a Red paint and a second one producing a Truck and a Green paint. So let's define our interfaces.

            public interface Vehicle {

    String getName();
            public interface Paint {

    String getName();

Next we need some implementations of our Vehicle, i.e. Car and Truck and some implementations of our Paint, i.e. Red and Green.

            public class Car implements Vehicle {

    public String getName() {
        return "Car";
            public class Truck implements Vehicle {

    public String getName() {
        return "Truck";
            public class Red implements Paint {

    public String getName() {
        return "Red";
            public class Green implements Paint {

    public String getName() {
        return "Green";

An interface specifying our logic for a factory and implementations of that interface is as follows.

            public interface Factory {

    public Vehicle createVehicle();

    public Paint createPaint();
            public class CarFactory implements Factory {

    public Vehicle createVehicle() {
        return new Car();

    public Paint createPaint() {
        return new Red();
            public class TruckFactory implements Factory {

    public Vehicle createVehicle() {
        return new Truck();

    public Paint createPaint() {
        return new Green();

The last thing we need is a factory provider, which will provide us a factory for vehicles and their paint. Our example also uses switch expression first introduced in java 12 and available in java 14.

            public class FactoryProvider {

    public static Factory getFactory(String type) {
        return switch (type) {
            case "CAR" -> new CarFactory();
            case "TRUCK" -> new TruckFactory();
            default -> throw new IllegalArgumentException("Factory of type " + type + " was not recognized");

Thanks to our provider we get our desired factory that can produce a vehicle and a paint for that vehicle without a user to know the creation logic of those objects. Creation of objects of concrete type is solely handled by factories. Next sample shows usage of this pattern.

            public class App {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Factory carFactory = FactoryProvider.getFactory("CAR");
        Vehicle car = carFactory.createVehicle();
        Paint carPaint = carFactory.createPaint();

        // Prints: Created a vehicle of type: Car and paint: Red
        System.out.println("Created a vehicle of type: " + car.getName() + " and paint: " + carPaint.getName());

        Factory truckFactory = FactoryProvider.getFactory("TRUCK");
        Vehicle truck = truckFactory.createVehicle();
        Paint truckPaint = truckFactory.createPaint();

        // Prints: Created a vehicle of type: Truck and paint: Green
        System.out.println("Created a vehicle of type: " + truck.getName() + " and paint: " + truckPaint.getName());


That's it! We created and implemented an example of abstract factory pattern. Simple and easy.